Our Mission

Infant massage Northwest Arkansas promotes nurturing touch and communication through the facilitation of classes that enhance the loving relationships between parents, caregivers, and their infants.

Who We Serve

  • This course is for infants, from birth to 12 months old. It is ideal to begin infant massage within the first nine months of a child’s life, but it is never too late to begin.

  • Whether you are new to parenting or a veteran, infant massage is for you. Parenthood has many facets, it can be single parenting, teenage parenting, parenting a child with special needs, a parent to multiples, and the list goes on. Regardless of what category describes you, or what type of lifestyle you have opted for, we welcome you to come experience the benefits and joy of infant massage.

  • At times non-birthing parents can be relegated to the background playing a supportive yet limited role in the beginning stages of infant care. Infant Massage is a wonderful way for fathers, and partners to bond and be intimately involved with the care of their baby.

  • Boding is a process. Infants in a foster home or adoptive home are learning to bond and attach with new parents as well as a new environment. They have new colors, smells, voices, languages and rhythms to learn about. Infant massage can make it easier for both the foster parents and the biological parents (if the baby returns), or even an adoptive family. Ideally all families involved with the baby should learn massage, which could be a common thread for the baby.

  • Unfortunately some mothers suffer from postnatal depression at some level, and many are not even aware. Infant massage has positive benefits for those mothers dealing with depression. However, they will not be labeled in class and should not feel threatened by the idea of attending.

  • Infant massage is a way for grandparents, aunts, uncles, nannies, or any loving adult in the life of your baby to give them expose to healthy touch.

  • Infant massage is a great tool to help an older sibling bond and build a relationship of their own with baby around three or four months old.

  • Healthcare professional, clinicians, and childcare/family specialist can recommend infant massage to help reach parents and families in the communities in which they work.

2023 Schedule Coming Soon

“Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant. Food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins.”

Dr. Frederick Leboyer

Benefits for Baby



Infant massage aids in the development of a variety of systems like the nervous system. It helps with sensory integration, the generation of muscular development and tone, and contributes to mind body awareness.



Infant massage helps with the discomforts of gas, colic, constipation, teething, growing pains, and organizes the nervous system. It helps release physical and emotional tension and provides a sense of security.


Infant massage when preformed regularly improves sleep patterns, increases flexibility, reduces stress, and hypersensitivity. It teaches how to relax and promotes improved ability to self-calm.



Infant massage encourages the exchange of verbal and non-verbal communication and the use of all senses. It contains every element of the bonding process and promotes a secured attachment with children over time.

The Gift of Touch

“As you massage your baby, every movement of your body will be an expression of your love. Your strong but gentle touch, the rhythm you create, the way you move back and forth with each stroke, your eyes, your smile, and your voice are all as much a part of the experience as the massage itself.”

Vimala McClure Infant Massage, A Handbook for Loving Parents

Benefits for Others

  • Parents

    Infant massage releases bonding and relaxation hormones in your system. It can aid in lactation, build confidence in parenting, and help with understanding your baby’s language.

  • Family

    Infant massage promotes a relaxed environment in the home, communication, respect, and encourages involvement of older siblings and extended family in the care of baby.

  • Society

    Infant massage can develop a culture that values nurturing touch, respect, and empathy. If routinely given there could be reduced infant health care costs, less child abuse, fewer behavioral problems in children, and less violence.